Dear Nuelle: On Mistakes and Owning Up (Letter #2)

Hi Baby Love!

It’s Mommy once more, writing you another letter that I hope you can read later in life. In case this blog gets taken down, I’m printing copies of these letters for you!

Today, I wanted to talk about making mistakes. I’ve made a lot of them in life and I know you will eventually make them too. I’m hoping that after you read this letter, you would know that it’s okay to make boo-boos because that is the best way to learn. I learned a lot from making terrible life decisions. >.<

I want you to know that making a mistake is okay. There is nothing you could do that can make me love you less. So, go on and make mistakes. What is important is that you learn from it, and if you need to apologize to someone, say sorry right away and mean it.
